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Bessie Smith
Written by Rick Danko and J.R. Robertson

Bessie was more than just a friend of mine
We shared the good times with the bad
Many a year has passed my by
I still recall the best thing I ever had

Now I'm going down the road to see Bessie
Oh to hear her soon
I'm just going down the road to see Bessie Smith
When I get there I'm wondering what she'll do

All the crazy things I had to try
I tried them all and then some
If you're lucky one day you'll find out
Just where it is you're really coming from

Now I'm going down the road to see Bessie
Oh to hear her soon
I'm just going down the road to see Bessie Smith
When I get there I'm wondering what she'll do

In my day I've made some foolish moves
But back then, I didn't worry 'bout a thing
Now and again I still wonder to myself
Was it her sweet love or the way that she could sing

Now I'm going down the road to see Bessie
Oh to hear her soon
I'm just going down the road to see Bessie Smith
When I get there I'm wondering what she'll do