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Here's to you

You said that your feelings were gone
But won't you tell me how you feel when you hear this song
Does it bring you down
My friends said that I got to escape
So I tip the bartender and I tip the bottle back and I drink
And I drink it down

Until I hit the ground, like the fool that you've made of me
Fill up my cup 'til I just can't see
So here's to you and your next go around
Don't let the door hit you on your way out

I'm at work, and I'm slaving away
Spending my days so you can spend my pay
Until the sun goes down
At night when you're lying with me
Lying to my face as you're lying in my sheets
Until I pull them down

So the world can see the fool that you've made of me
Fill up my cup 'til I just can't see
So here's to you and your next go around
Don't let the door hit you on your way out

I was the man of the hour
Until another came along and brought you a bigger flower
And he plants it down

Down in the ground, for all the world to see
Fill up this cup like you've done with me
So here's to you and the new guy in town
Don't let the door hit you on your way out
Don't let the door hit you on your way out